Wert Craft System

You can access the setup information you need about this product


1 - Upload the script folder to the location of your resources

2 - Don't forget to check that your target system and polyzone script are working

3 - Do not forget to add all the sql file contained in the folder to your database

4 - Installation successful, have a good funs


You can find the sample production items I used in the video below to give their codes for your list

-- My Default Version Item Infos
["cilek"] 				     	 = {["name"] = "cilek", 			  	  	     	["label"] = "Strawberry",		            ["weight"] = 1000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "cilek.png", 		    	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["jam"] 		        	     = {["name"] = "jam", 			                	["label"] = "Jam", 							["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "jam.png", 					["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Jam"},
["uzum"] 			             = {["name"] = "uzum", 			  	             	["label"] = "Grab",		                    ["weight"] = 6000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "uzum.png", 		        ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["uzum_sarap"] 			         = {["name"] = "uzum_sarap", 			  	       	["label"] = "Wine",		               		["weight"] = 6000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "uzum_sarap.png", 		    ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["terzi_yun"] 			         = {["name"] = "terzi_yun", 			           	["label"] = "Wool",		                    ["weight"] = 6000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "terzi_yun.png", 		    ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["terzi_kumas"] 		         = {["name"] = "terzi_kumas", 			  	      	["label"] = "Cloth",		                ["weight"] = 6000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "terzi_kumas.png", 		    ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["terzi_kiyafet"] 			     = {["name"] = "terzi_kiyafet", 			       	["label"] = "T-shirt",		                ["weight"] = 1000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "terzi_kiyafet.png", 	    ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["orange"] 			      		 = {["name"] = "orange", 			  	  	    	["label"] = "Orange", 						["weight"] = 4000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "orange.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["orangejuice"] 	     		 = {["name"] = "orangejuice", 			  	  	    ["label"] = "Orange juice", 				["weight"] = 900, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "portakalsuyu.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["metal_pipe"] 				     = {["name"] = "metal_pipe", 			  	  	    ["label"] = "Metal Pipe",		            ["weight"] = 1000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "metal_pipe.png", 		    ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["metal_spring"] 				 = {["name"] = "metal_spring", 			  	  	    ["label"] = "Metal Spring",		            ["weight"] = 1000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "metal_spring.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["rifle_body"] 				     = {["name"] = "rifle_body", 			  	  	    ["label"] = "Rifle Body",		            ["weight"] = 1000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "rifle_body.png", 		    ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["yanici_madde"] 				 = {["name"] = "yanici_madde", 			  	  	    ["label"] = "Combustible Material",		    ["weight"] = 1000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "yanici_madde.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["bos_sise"] 				 	 = {["name"] = "bos_sise", 			  	  	   	 	["label"] = "Empty Bottle",		   			["weight"] = 1000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "bos_sise.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["gunbody"] 				 	 = {["name"] = "gunbody", 			  	  	   	 	["label"] = "Gun Body",		   				["weight"] = 1000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "gunbody.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},
["gunpowder"] 				 	 = {["name"] = "gunpowder", 			  	  	   	 ["label"] = "Gun Powder",		   			["weight"] = 1000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "gunpowder.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = ""},

-- This Items Default QBCore Items But You Dont Have They Here
['iron'] 				 	     = {['name'] = 'iron', 			  				['label'] = 'Iron', 					['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'iron.png', 			    ['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Handy piece of metal that you can probably use for something'},
['ironoxide'] 				 	 = {['name'] = 'ironoxide', 			  		['label'] = 'Iron Powder', 				['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'ironoxide.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   ['combinable'] = {accept = {'aluminumoxide'}, reward = 'thermite', anim = {['dict'] = 'anim@amb@business@weed@weed_inspecting_high_dry@', ['lib'] = 'weed_inspecting_high_base_inspector', ['text'] = 'Mixing powder..', ['timeOut'] = 10000}},   ['description'] = 'Some powder to mix with.'},
['electronickit'] 				 = {['name'] = 'electronickit', 			  	['label'] = 'Electronic Kit', 			['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'electronickit.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = true,	   ['combinable'] = {accept = {'gatecrack'}, reward = 'trojan_usb', anim = nil}, ['description'] = 'If you\'ve always wanted to build a robot you can maybe start here. Maybe you\'ll be the new Elon Musk?'},
['aluminum'] 					 = {['name'] = 'aluminum', 			  	  		['label'] = 'Aluminium', 				['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'aluminum.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Nice piece of metal that you can probably use for something'},
['copper'] 					 	 = {['name'] = 'copper', 			  	  		['label'] = 'Copper', 					['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'copper.png', 				['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Nice piece of metal that you can probably use for something'},
['plastic'] 					 = {['name'] = 'plastic', 			  	  	  	['label'] = 'Plastic', 					['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'plastic.png', 				['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'RECYCLE! - Greta Thunberg 2019'},
['rubber'] 				 	 	 = {['name'] = 'rubber', 			  			['label'] = 'Rubber', 					['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'rubber.png', 				['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Rubber, I believe you can make your own rubber ducky with it :D'},
['steel'] 				 	 	 = {['name'] = 'steel', 			  			['label'] = 'Steel', 					['weight'] = 100, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'steel.png', 				['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Nice piece of metal that you can probably use for something'},



Config = {}

Config.UseTarget = true

Config.OxInventory = false

Config.EnableKeys = {

Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true
Config.LevelHudShowTime = 5000

Config.Skills = {
    ["weapon"] = "Weapon Experience",
    ["mechanic"] = "Mechanic Experience",
    ["explosive"] = "Explosive Experience",
    ["jobcraft"] = "Job Experience"

Config.LaserText = '[~g~E~w~] Take Coord | [~r~G~w~] Cancel'
Config.LaserColor = {r = 2, g = 241, b = 181, a = 200}

Config.CraftPoints = {
    ["weaponcraft"] = {
        useped = false,
        coord = vector4(154.05, -3210.58, 5.87, 0.0),
        targetentitysettings = { -- If you use targetentity target method
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-chevron-right',
            label = "Craft Table",
            targeticon = "fa-solid fa-hammer",
        usetargetzone = true, -- If you disable this target use addtargetentity method (For this if your Config.UseTarget open)
        usetargetboxzone = {
            coord = vector3(154.05, -3210.58, 5.87),
            length = 6.4,
            width = 1.8,
            heading = 0,
            minZ = 3.0,
            maxZ = 8.0,
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-chevron-right',
            label = "Craft Table",
            targeticon = "fa-solid fa-hammer",
        Items = {
            ["weapon_carbinerifle"] = {
                label = "Carbine Rifle",
                usecraftobject = true,
                objectsettings = {
                    coord = vector4(153.828, -3210.121, 5.949, 0.0),
                    model = `w_ar_carbinerifle`,
                    network = true,
                    rotation = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, order = 1},
                    attach = true,
                    attach_settings = {bone = 28422, posX = 0.1, posY = 0.01, posZ = 0.0, rotX = 0.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = 0.0}
                usecamera = true,
                camerasettings = { coord = vector4(153.01, -3210.19, 8.0, 271.89), rotX = -55.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = -90.0},
                useanimation = true,
                animationsettings = {dict = "anim@gangops@facility@servers@", name = "hotwire", flag = 1, scenario = nil},
                setcoord = vector4(153.22, -3210.18, 5.91, 273.57), -- If you want change ped coord set vector4 , if you dont want set nil
                closemenuaftercraft = true,
                disablesettings = { -- In Craft Process Time
                    disableopencraftmenu = true,
                    freezeplayer = true,
                    disablekeys = true, -- Config.EnableKeys (Only This Keys Usable)
                useblackbar = true,
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "weapon",
                    check_level = 5.0, -- If you want check level for craft you can set level amount (If you dont want remove this line or set nil)
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/weapon_carbinerifle.png"},
                craft_time = 60, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "The M4 rifle is a firearm manufactured by Colt and civilian versions suitable for civilian use are also produced by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in the United States. The M4 is a short-barreled version of the M16 rifle and is generally favored by special forces, military units, and police organizations.",
                information = ' <p>Damage : 50</p><p>Ammo Type : 5.56 </p><p>Magazine : 30</p><p>Quality : 100</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "rifle_body", label = "Rifle Body", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_spring", label = "Metal Spring", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_pipe", label = "Metal Pipe", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["weapon_assaultrifle"] = {
                label = "Assault Rifle",
                usecraftobject = true,
                objectsettings = {
                    coord = vector4(153.828, -3210.121, 5.949, 0.0),
                    model = `w_ar_assaultrifle`,
                    network = true,
                    rotation = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, order = 1},
                    attach = true,
                    attach_settings = {bone = 28422, posX = 0.1, posY = 0.01, posZ = 0.0, rotX = 0.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = 0.0}
                usecamera = true,
                camerasettings = { coord = vector4(153.01, -3210.19, 8.0, 271.89), rotX = -55.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = -90.0},
                useanimation = true,
                animationsettings = {dict = "anim@gangops@facility@servers@", name = "hotwire", flag = 1, scenario = nil},
                setcoord = vector4(153.22, -3210.18, 5.91, 273.57), -- If you want change ped coord set vector4 , if you dont want set nil
                closemenuaftercraft = true,
                disablesettings = { -- In Craft Process Time
                    disableopencraftmenu = true,
                    freezeplayer = true,
                    disablekeys = true, -- Config.EnableKeys (Only This Keys Usable)
                useblackbar = true,
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "weapon"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/weapon_assaultrifle.png"},
                craft_time = 60, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "The AK-47, a pistol-type assault rifle, is a Soviet-designed firearm that has been widely used and recognized worldwide. Here is a brief informational text about the AK-47:The AK-47 is an assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov and first adopted by the Soviet Union in 1947. The 'AK' stands for 'Avtomat Kalashnikova,' translating to 'Kalashnikov's Automatic Rifle.' The AK-47 is known for its robust design, durability, and ease of maintenance.This rifle uses 7.62x39mm caliber ammunition and typically features semi-automatic and fully automatic firing modes. Due to its high durability and low cost, the AK-47 has been widely utilized by military, police, and guerrilla units in many countries worldwide.",
                information = ' <p>Damage : 50</p><p>Ammo Type : 7.62 </p><p>Magazine : 30</p><p>Quality : 100</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "rifle_body", label = "Rifle Body", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_spring", label = "Metal Spring", amount = 2, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_pipe", label = "Metal Pipe", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 20, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["weapon_sawnoffshotgun"] = {
                label = "Sawnoff Shotgun",
                usecraftobject = true,
                objectsettings = {
                    coord = vector4(153.828, -3210.121, 5.949, 0.0),
                    model = `w_sg_sawnoffshotgun`,
                    network = true,
                    rotation = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, order = 1},
                    attach = true,
                    attach_settings = {bone = 28422, posX = 0.1, posY = 0.01, posZ = 0.0, rotX = 0.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = 0.0}
                usecamera = true,
                camerasettings = { coord = vector4(153.01, -3210.19, 8.0, 271.89), rotX = -55.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = -90.0},
                useanimation = true,
                animationsettings = {dict = "anim@gangops@facility@servers@", name = "hotwire", flag = 1, scenario = nil},
                setcoord = vector4(153.22, -3210.18, 5.91, 273.57), -- If you want change ped coord set vector4 , if you dont want set nil
                closemenuaftercraft = true,
                disablesettings = { -- In Craft Process Time
                    disableopencraftmenu = true,
                    freezeplayer = true,
                    disablekeys = true, -- Config.EnableKeys (Only This Keys Usable)
                useblackbar = true,
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "weapon"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/weapon_sawnoffshotgun.png"},
                craft_time = 60, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "The Sawnoff Shotgun is a firearm derived by shortening the barrel of a shotgun, which is a short-barreled hunting shotgun. These types of weapons are typically effective for short distances due to their broader shot spread. Moreover, these firearms are commonly favored for their ease of carry, making them especially suitable for portability and close-range engagements.",
                information = ' <p>Damage : 70</p><p>Ammo Type : 12 caliber </p><p>Magazine : 8</p><p>Quality : 100</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "metal_spring", label = "Metal Spring", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_pipe", label = "Metal Pipe", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 20, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["weapon_smg_mk2"] = {
                label = "Smg MK2",
                usecraftobject = true,
                objectsettings = {
                    coord = vector4(153.828, -3210.121, 5.949, 0.0),
                    model = `w_sb_smgmk2`,
                    network = true,
                    rotation = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, order = 1},
                    attach = true,
                    attach_settings = {bone = 28422, posX = 0.1, posY = 0.01, posZ = 0.0, rotX = 0.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = 0.0}
                usecamera = true,
                camerasettings = { coord = vector4(153.01, -3210.19, 8.0, 271.89), rotX = -55.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = -90.0},
                useanimation = true,
                animationsettings = {dict = "anim@gangops@facility@servers@", name = "hotwire", flag = 1, scenario = nil},
                setcoord = vector4(153.22, -3210.18, 5.91, 273.57), -- If you want change ped coord set vector4 , if you dont want set nil
                closemenuaftercraft = true,
                disablesettings = { -- In Craft Process Time
                    disableopencraftmenu = true,
                    freezeplayer = true,
                    disablekeys = true, -- Config.EnableKeys (Only This Keys Usable)
                useblackbar = true,
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "weapon"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/weapon_smg_mk2.png"},
                craft_time = 15, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "A Submachine Gun (SMG) is a type of firearm typically characterized by a lightweight and portable design. SMGs are specifically designed to be effective in close-quarters combat. These weapons often have both semi-automatic and fully automatic firing modes.",
                information = ' <p>Damage : 35</p><p>Ammo Type : 9mm </p><p>Magazine : 30</p><p>Quality : 100</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "gunbody", label = "Smg Body", amount = 1, imageurl = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_spring", label = "Metal Spring", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_pipe", label = "Metal Pipe", amount = 2, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["weapon_microsmg"] = {
                label = "Micro Smg",
                usecraftobject = true,
                objectsettings = {
                    coord = vector4(153.828, -3210.121, 5.949, 0.0),
                    model = `w_sb_microsmg`,
                    network = true,
                    rotation = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, order = 1},
                    attach = true,
                    attach_settings = {bone = 28422, posX = 0.1, posY = 0.01, posZ = 0.0, rotX = 0.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = 0.0}
                usecamera = true,
                camerasettings = { coord = vector4(153.01, -3210.19, 8.0, 271.89), rotX = -55.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = -90.0},
                useanimation = true,
                animationsettings = {dict = "anim@gangops@facility@servers@", name = "hotwire", flag = 1, scenario = nil},
                setcoord = vector4(153.22, -3210.18, 5.91, 273.57), -- If you want change ped coord set vector4 , if you dont want set nil
                closemenuaftercraft = true,
                disablesettings = { -- In Craft Process Time
                    disableopencraftmenu = true,
                    freezeplayer = true,
                    disablekeys = true, -- Config.EnableKeys (Only This Keys Usable)
                useblackbar = true,
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "weapon"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/weapon_microsmg.png"},
                craft_time = 30, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "The Micro SMG is typically designed to be effective in close-quarters combat. Its ability to fire rapidly enables characters to respond quickly and utilize effective firepower against enemies.",
                information = ' <p>Damage : 30</p><p>Ammo Type : 9mm </p><p>Magazine : 16</p><p>Quality : 100</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "gunbody", label = "Smg Body", amount = 1, imageurl = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_spring", label = "Metal Spring", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_pipe", label = "Metal Pipe", amount = 2, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["weapon_machinepistol"] = {
                label = "TEC-9",
                usecraftobject = true,
                objectsettings = {
                    coord = vector4(153.828, -3210.121, 5.949, 0.0),
                    model = `w_pi_machinepistol`,
                    network = true,
                    rotation = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, order = 1},
                    attach = true,
                    attach_settings = {bone = 28422, posX = 0.1, posY = 0.01, posZ = 0.0, rotX = 0.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = 0.0}
                usecamera = true,
                camerasettings = { coord = vector4(153.01, -3210.19, 8.0, 271.89), rotX = -55.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = -90.0},
                useanimation = true,
                animationsettings = {dict = "anim@gangops@facility@servers@", name = "hotwire", flag = 1, scenario = nil},
                setcoord = vector4(153.22, -3210.18, 5.91, 273.57), -- If you want change ped coord set vector4 , if you dont want set nil
                closemenuaftercraft = true,
                disablesettings = { -- In Craft Process Time
                    disableopencraftmenu = true,
                    freezeplayer = true,
                    disablekeys = true, -- Config.EnableKeys (Only This Keys Usable)
                useblackbar = true,
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "weapon"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/weapon_machinepistol.png"},
                craft_time = 50, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "It is an American-made semi-automatic pistol manufactured by Intratec. The weapon was launched in 1985 and is made from a mixture of stamped and milled steel parts with inexpensive molded polymer. Thanks to its simple design, its parts can be easily replaced and repaired.",
                information = ' <p>Damage : 20</p><p>Ammo Type : 9mm </p><p>Magazine : 12</p><p>Quality : 100</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "gunbody", label = "Smg Body", amount = 1, imageurl = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_spring", label = "Metal Spring", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_pipe", label = "Metal Pipe", amount = 2, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["weapon_heavypistol"] = {
                label = "Heavy Pistol",
                usecraftobject = true,
                objectsettings = {
                    coord = vector4(153.828, -3210.121, 5.949, 0.0),
                    model = `w_pi_machinepistol`,
                    network = true,
                    rotation = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, order = 1},
                    attach = true,
                    attach_settings = {bone = 28422, posX = 0.1, posY = 0.01, posZ = 0.0, rotX = 0.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = 0.0}
                usecamera = true,
                camerasettings = { coord = vector4(153.01, -3210.19, 8.0, 271.89), rotX = -55.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = -90.0},
                useanimation = true,
                animationsettings = {dict = "anim@gangops@facility@servers@", name = "hotwire", flag = 1, scenario = nil},
                setcoord = vector4(153.22, -3210.18, 5.91, 273.57), -- If you want change ped coord set vector4 , if you dont want set nil
                closemenuaftercraft = true,
                disablesettings = { -- In Craft Process Time
                    disableopencraftmenu = true,
                    freezeplayer = true,
                    disablekeys = true, -- Config.EnableKeys (Only This Keys Usable)
                useblackbar = true,
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "weapon"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/weapon_heavypistol.png"},
                craft_time = 60, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "The Heavy Pistol has high damage per shot, with semi-automatic firing rate. Its damage is less than the Pistol .50 but boasts a much larger 18-round magazine (with a 36-round magazine with an extended clip like the AP Pistol). Such high ammo capacity, combined with its semi-automatic rate of fire makes the magazine almost impossible to be emptied 'by mistake' in a real combat situation. It also has higher accuracy and effective range than other pistols, making this an effective weapon at mid and close range. However, its rate of fire appears to be slightly lower than other pistols despite what its stats say, most likely due to its higher recoil. However, one can tap the fire button for a slightly increased fire rate, though not as fast as the Pistol when using the same method.",
                information = ' <p>Damage : 40</p><p>Ammo Type : 9mm </p><p>Magazine : 16</p><p>Quality : 100</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "metal_spring", label = "Metal Spring", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_pipe", label = "Metal Pipe", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},


    ["mechanic"] = {
        useped = false,
        coord = vector4(-345.23, -130.97, 39.01, 72.65),
        job = "mechanic", -- | Two option for this string or table | "mechanic" | {"mechanic", "mechanic2", "mechanic3"}
        targetentitysettings = { -- If you use targetentity target method
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-chevron-right',
            label = "Mechanic Craft Table",
            targeticon = "fa-solid fa-wrench",
        usetargetzone = true, -- If you disable this target use addtargetentity method (For this if your Config.UseTarget open)
        usetargetboxzone = {
            coord = vector3(-346.0, -130.46, 39.01),
            length = 4.2,
            width = 1.2,
            heading = 339,
            minZ = 38.01,
            maxZ = 40.01,
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-chevron-right',
            label = "Mechanic Craft Table",
            targeticon = "fa-solid fa-wrench",
        Items = {
            ["radio"] = {
                label = "Radio",
                usecraftobject = true,
                objectsettings = {
                    coord = vector4(-345.23, -130.97, 39.01, 0.0),
                    model = `prop_cs_hand_radio`,
                    network = true,
                    rotation = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, order = 1},
                    attach = true,
                    attach_settings = {bone = 57005, posX = 0.14, posY = 0.01, posZ = -0.02, rotX = 110.0, rotY = 120.0, rotZ = -180.0}
                usecamera = true,
                camerasettings = { coord = vector4(-345.23, -130.97, 40.10, 72.65), rotX = -45.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = 60.0},
                useanimation = true,
                animationsettings = {dict = "anim@gangops@facility@servers@", name = "hotwire", flag = 1, scenario = nil},
                setcoord = vector4(-345.23, -130.97, 39.01, 72.65), -- If you want change ped coord set vector4 , if you dont want set nil
                closemenuaftercraft = true,
                disablesettings = { -- In Craft Process Time
                    disableopencraftmenu = true,
                    freezeplayer = true,
                    disablekeys = true, -- Config.EnableKeys (Only This Keys Usable)
                useblackbar = true,
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "mechanic"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/radio.png"},
                craft_time = 8, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "A walkie-talkie is a device that provides wireless communication. Typically used for voice communication, walkie-talkies allow users to communicate on a specific frequency. Portable in handheld sizes, walkie-talkies are particularly favored by users who need to establish communication within groups or in specific areas.",
                information = ' <p>Basic A Radio</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "electronickit", label = "Electronic Kit", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["lockpick"] = {
                label = "Locpick",
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "mechanic"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/lockpick.png"},
                craft_time = 8, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "A perfect tool that works for everything",
                information = ' <p>Basic A Lockpick</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 5, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["nitrous"] = {
                label = "Nitrous",
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "mechanic"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/nitrous.png"},
                craft_time = 20, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "Car nitrous oxide, is typically an additional power system used to temporarily enhance the performance of automobiles. This system injects extra oxygen into the car's engine on demand, facilitating a faster combustion, leading to a temporary increase in power.",
                information = ' <p>Nitrous Oxide Vehicle Boost Tool</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "metal_pipe", label = "Metal Pipe", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "ironoxide", label = "Iron Powder", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["advancedrepairkit"] = {
                label = "Advanced Repairkit",
                usecraftobject = true,
                objectsettings = {
                    coord = vector4(-346.0, -130.43, 39.00, 0.0),
                    model = `v_ind_cs_toolbox4`,
                    network = true,
                    rotation = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = -90.0, order = 1},
                usecamera = true,
                camerasettings = { coord = vector4(-345.23, -130.97, 40.10, 72.65), rotX = -45.0, rotY = 0.0, rotZ = 60.0},
                useanimation = true,
                animationsettings = {dict = "anim@gangops@facility@servers@", name = "hotwire", flag = 1, scenario = nil},
                setcoord = vector4(-345.23, -130.97, 39.01, 72.65), -- If you want change ped coord set vector4 , if you dont want set nil
                closemenuaftercraft = true,
                disablesettings = { -- In Craft Process Time
                    disableopencraftmenu = true,
                    freezeplayer = true,
                    disablekeys = true, -- Config.EnableKeys (Only This Keys Usable)
                useblackbar = true,
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "mechanic"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/advancedkit.png"},
                craft_time = 20, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "Vehicle repair kits are portable and compact sets used to repair minor damages or provide temporary solutions in emergency situations. These kits make vehicle maintenance more accessible by enabling drivers to address simple issues they may encounter on the road.",
                information = ' <p>100% Repair Chance</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "metal_pipe", label = "Metal Pipe", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "metal_spring", label = "Metal Spring", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "copper", label = "Copper", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "aluminum", label = "Aluminium", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 20, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
    ["explosive"] = {
        useped = true,
        model = "s_m_y_pestcont_01",
        pedanimations = {
            Scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING",
        coord = vector4(1732.89, 3329.13, 41.22, 196.61),
        targetentitysettings = { -- If you use targetentity target method
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-chevron-right',
            label = "Explosive Crafts",
            targeticon = "fa-solid fa-fire",
        Items = {
            ["weapon_stickybomb"] = {
                label = "C4",
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "explosive"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/weapon_stickybomb.png"},
                craft_time = 120, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "C4 stands out among explosive materials as a powerful and stable explosive. Its chemical name is RDX, a type known as plastic explosive (comprising RDX, HMX, and other additives). C4 is commonly found in military and industrial applications due to its numerous advantages.",
                information = ' <p>Radius : 1 KM</p><p>Damage : 100</p><p>Timer : 10</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "gunpowder", label = "Gun powder", amount = 5, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "aluminumoxide", label = "Aluminium Powder", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "plastic", label = "Plastic", amount = 5, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "rubber", label = "Rubber", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["weapon_grenade"] = {
                label = "Grenade",
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "explosive"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/weapon_grenade.png"},
                craft_time = 60, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "A hand grenade is typically a portable explosive device thrown by hand. Such devices are used not only for military purposes but also by security forces and police units. The primary purpose of hand grenades is to cause damage to a target or render enemy forces ineffective.",
                information = ' <p>Radius : 200 M</p><p>Damage : 100</p><p>Timer : 5</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "gunpowder", label = "Gun powder", amount = 5, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "ironoxide", label = "Iron Powder", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "steel", label = "Steel", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["weapon_molotov"] = {
                label = "Molotov",
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "explosive"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/weapon_molotov.png"},
                craft_time = 30, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "A Molotov cocktail is typically a handmade explosive device made from simple materials, consisting of a glass bottle containing a flammable liquid, ignited by a fuse or cloth. Named after the Soviet-made petrol bombs used in the Spanish Civil War, the Molotov cocktail is known as an improvised incendiary weapon often used in protest demonstrations or conflicts.",
                information = ' <p>Radius : 50 M</p><p>Damage : 35</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "yanici_madde", label = "Combustible Material", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "terzi_kumas", label = "Cloth", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "bos_sise", label = "Empty Bottle", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["weapon_smokegrenade"] = {
                label = "Smoke Grenade",
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "explosive"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/weapon_smokegrenade.png"},
                craft_time = 30, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "A smoke bomb is a pyrotechnic device commonly used to produce colored smoke for various purposes. These bombs are utilized in military training exercises, special events, demonstrations, and stage productions. Their primary purpose is to reduce visibility by filling a specific area with colored smoke.",
                information = ' <p>Radius : 50 M</p><p>Smoke : 10kg</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "aluminumoxide", label = "Aluminium Powder", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "plastic", label = "Plastic", amount = 5, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "rubber", label = "Rubber", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "iron", label = "Iron", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
    ["jobcrafts"] = {
        useped = true,
        model = "cs_old_man2",
        pedanimations = {
            Scenario = "CODE_HUMAN_CROSS_ROAD_WAIT",
        coord = vector4(2143.11, 4784.76, 40.97, 117.64),
        targetentitysettings = { -- If you use targetentity target method
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-chevron-right',
            label = "General Crafter",
            targeticon = "fa-solid fa-gear",
        Items = {
            ["terzi_kiyafet"] = {
                label = "T-SHIRT",
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "jobcraft"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/terzi_kiyafet.png"},
                craft_time = 30, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "A T-shirt, often referred to as a tee, is a classic and versatile garment that has become a wardrobe essential worldwide. Characterized by its short sleeves and a round neckline, T-shirts come in various styles, colors, and designs, catering to diverse tastes and preferences.",
                information = ' <p>A Cloth Part</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "terzi_kumas", label = "Cloth", amount = 2, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "terzi_yun", label = "Wool", amount = 2, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["jam"] = {
                label = "Jam",
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "jobcraft"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/jam.png"},
                craft_time = 30, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "Jam, a delightful and versatile spread, is a culinary creation born from the art of preserving fruits. Made by cooking fruits with sugar, it transforms the natural sweetness of fruits into a luscious, thick consistency that can be enjoyed on a variety of culinary delights.",
                information = ' <p>A Nice Food</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "cilek", label = "Strawbery", amount = 10, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "bos_sise", label = "Empty Bottle", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["uzum_sarap"] = {
                label = "Wine",
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "jobcraft"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/uzum_sarap.png"},
                craft_time = 30, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "Wine, an age-old beverage, has woven itself into the fabric of various cultures, symbolizing celebration, refinement, and conviviality. Produced through the fermentation of crushed grapes, wine offers a vast spectrum of flavors, aromas, and textures that captivate the senses.",
                information = ' <p>Alcohol</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "uzum", label = "Grape", amount = 5, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "bos_sise", label = "Empty Bottle", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
            ["orangejuice"] = {
                label = "Orange Juice",
                ExperienceSettings = { -- If Config.ExperienceSystemActive = true then work this table
                    add_xp_after_craft = 0.2, -- | number : add amount max 100 for a skill | if you set nil no add xp craft
                    skill_name = "jobcraft"
                image = {url = nil, inventory = "qb-inventory/html/images/orangejuice.png"},
                craft_time = 30, -- Seconds
                craft_amount = 1, -- 1 Click How Much Craft
                favorite = false, -- true : Favorited | false : No Favorited for default
                description = "Orange juice, a quintessential morning beverage, is a natural elixir renowned for its invigorating taste and health benefits. Squeezed from fresh oranges, this vibrant and zesty juice is a delicious source of essential nutrients.",
                information = ' <p>Vitamin C</p>',
                requiditems = {
                    {item = "orange", label = "Orange", amount = 5, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},
                    {item = "bos_sise", label = "Empty Bottle", amount = 1, image = nil, imageinventory = nil},


local ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()

function SelectYourNotify(text, style, time)
    ESX.ShowNotification(text, style, time)

function ShowTextUI(text, position)
    exports["qb-core"]:DrawText(text, position)

function HideTextUI()

function CustomTargetAddEntity(data, options)
    exports["qb-target"]:AddTargetEntity(data, options)

function CustomTargetAddBoxZone(name, coordoptions, zoneoptions, data)
    exports['qb-target']:AddBoxZone(name, coordoptions.coord, coordoptions.length, coordoptions.width, {
        name = name,
        debugPoly = false,
        heading = zoneoptions.heading,
        minZ = zoneoptions.minZ,
        maxZ = zoneoptions.maxZ
    }, data)

RegisterNetEvent('wert-crafting:client:notify', function(text, style, time)
    SelectYourNotify(text, style, time)

-- If You Use qtarget, ox-target this scripts automaticly check qb-target exports. You don't need to make any extra changes for these scripts (if you have enough versions)

-- But if you use another exports please edit target settings


I have created a laser code so that you can get the positions of your objects or different points.

You can turn on this laser with the /takelasercoord command

When you press the [E] Key, it prints the position of the laser to you via F8. You can learn from there. With the [G] Key, you can turn off the laser.

Last updated