Wert Lucky Wheel
You can access the setup information you need about this product
Last updated
You can access the setup information you need about this product
Last updated
1 - Upload the script folder to the location of your resources
2 - Check config file for your own settings
3 - Installation successful, have a good funs
There are many ox settings available in the files, if you want, you can configure them.
If you want to use ox_lib, please check if this link is enabled on fxmanifest.check it out from inside lua. this must be turned on before you can use ox_lib. After opening it, it will be enough to use the refresh and ensure commands.
Config = {}
Config.UseTarget = true
Config.TargetDistance = 1.5
Config.DebugPoly = false
Config.NoTargetDistance = 1.5
Config.NoTargetInteractionKey = 38 -- [E] | https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
Config.OxLib = false
Config.CheckNameFromSql = false
Config.WheelCoolDown = 30 -- 30
Config.WheelSoundSettings = {
max_distance = 20,
min_volume = 0.1,
max_volume = 0.8,
Config.WheelModel = 'vw_prop_vw_luckywheel_02a'
Config.BorderModel = -1901044377
Config.BlueMarkerModel = 554774312
Config.TargetIcon = 'fa-solid fa-arrows-spin'
Config.InteractionIcon = '<i class="fa-solid fa-arrows-spin"></i>'
Config.RollAnim = {
lib = 'anim_casino_a@amb@casino@games@lucky7wheel@male',
anim = 'enter_right_to_baseidle',
anim_two = 'enter_to_armraisedidle',
anim_three = 'armraisedidle_to_spinningidle_high',
Config.RewardMultiple = {
['1'] = 2,
['3'] = 4,
['5'] = 6,
['10'] = 11,
['20'] = 21,
Config.RewardChances = {
['1'] = 50,
['3'] = 20,
['5'] = 15,
['10'] = 10,
['20'] = 5,
Config.CreateNpcZOffset = 1.0
Config.WheelSpinNowNotif = true
Config.WheelSpinNowNotifCoordCheck = true
Config.LoseNotif = true
Config.WinNotif = true
Config.WinSound = true
Config.WinSoundVolume = 0.3
Config.Locations = {
whell_pos = vector4(201.47, -928.48, 29.69, 57.86),
ped_model = `s_f_y_casino_01`,
ped_pos = vector4(200.76, -930.12, 30.69, 234.83),
move_pos = vector4(200.66, -929.87, 30.69, 55.89),
local ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
function CustomNotifVariation(text, style, time)
if Config.OxLib then
lib.notify({title = 'Notification', description = text, type = style})
ESX.ShowNotification(text, style or 'info', time or 3000)
function CustomTargetFunction(data)
exports["qb-target"]:AddTargetEntity(data.entity, {
options = data.options,
distance = data.distance
function ShowTextUI(text, icon)
if Config.OxLib then
lib.showTextUI(text, {position = 'left-center', icon = icon})
-- Custom text ui here
-- exports['qb-core']:DrawText(text, 'left')
print('Please select text ui setting in editable_client.lua')
function HideTextUI()
if Config.OxLib then
-- Custom text ui here
-- exports['qb-core']:DrawText(text, 'left')
print('Please select text ui setting in editable_client.lua')
RegisterNetEvent('wert-luckywheel:client:custom-notif', function(text, style, time)
CustomNotifVariation(text, style, time)
local ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
local function getFirstLetterUppercase(str) return str:sub(1, 1):upper() end
local function getFirstTwoLetters(str) return str:sub(1, 2):upper() end
function CheckPlayerAddBetMoney(src, amount)
local ply = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(src)
if not ply then return false end
local money = ply.getMoney()
if (money - amount) >= 0 then return true else return false end
function RemovePlayerMoney(src, amount)
local ply = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(src)
if not ply then return end
function AddPlayerMoney(src, amount)
local ply = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(src)
if not ply then return end
function GetPlayerNameLetters(src)
local ply = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(src)
if not ply then return 'PR' end
local retval = ''
if Config.CheckNameFromSql then
local identifier = ply.getIdentifier()
local row = MySQL.single.await('SELECT `firstname`, `lastname` FROM `users` WHERE `identifier` = ? LIMIT 1', {identifier})
if row and row.firstname and row.lastname then
local one = getFirstLetterUppercase(row.firstname)
local second = getFirstLetterUppercase(row.lastname)
retval = one .. '' .. second
local str = ply.getName()
retval = getFirstTwoLetters(str)
local str = ply.getName()
retval = getFirstTwoLetters(str)
return retval
function GiveSpinReward(src, bet, multiple, percante)
local ply = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(src)
if not ply then return end
local amount = bet * multiple
if Config.WinNotif then
local oldnotif = LANG.player_won_text
local newnotif = string.format(oldnotif, amount, percante)
TriggerClientEvent('wert-luckywheel:client:send-ui-notif', src, {
header = LANG.player_won_header,
text = newnotif,
style = 'success'
if Config.WinSound then TriggerClientEvent('wert-luckywheel:client:wheel-win-sound', src) end
LANG = {
target_label = "Roll",
notarget_label = "[E] Roll",
rolled_header = 'WHEEL ACTIVE NOW!',
rolled = "You have spun the wheel!",
this_wheel_busy = "Wheel busy you need wait!",
money_error_header = 'BET COULD NOT BE ADDED!',
money_error_text = 'You are not have enough money!',
player_won_header = 'WON!',
player_won_text = 'You won $%s for make bet %s',
player_lose_header = 'LOSE!',
player_lose_text = "You didn't win, good luck next time!",
ui = {
-- UI Locales here
header = 'WHEEL OF FORTUNE',
information = 'Place your money in the betting sections. If the wheel lands on the numbers you have selected, you will win!',
remaining_time = 'REMAINING TIME',
remaining_time_desc = 'When the wheel turns all bets are finalized',
second = 's',
percante_1 = '1',
percante_3 = '3',
percante_5 = '5',
percante_10 = '10',
percante_20 = '20',
percante_1_multiple = 'PAYS X2',
percante_3_multiple = 'PAYS X4',
percante_5_multiple = 'PAYS X6',
percante_10_multiple = 'PAYS X11',
percante_20_multiple = 'PAYS X21',
bet_settings = 'BET SETTINGS',
bet_description = 'After select the bet amount, you can set a bet with a left click. Use the right click to clean it.',
money_format = '$',
players = 'PLAYERS',
players_info = '%s PLAYERS PLAYING',
total_bet_info = 'TOTAL BET : %s$',
history = 'ROUND HISTORY',
last_rounds_not_found = 'LAST ROUNDS NOT FOUND',