Wert Car Arena (Death race, Death match, Arena war)

You can access the setup information you need about this product


QB Depends

  • QBCore

  • qb-target (If you use another target please edit codes in editable.lua)

  • PolyZone

  • qb-menu

1 - Upload the script folder to the location of your resources

2 - Do not forget to add the necessary items to your item list

-- Item
["cararena_menu"]								= {["name"] = "cararena_menu",				["label"] = "Car arena menu",										["weight"] = 100,	["type"] = "item",	["image"] = "cararena_menu.png",				["unique"] = true,	["useable"] = true,	["shouldClose"] = false,	["combinable"] = nil,	   ["description"] = "Car arena settings tool"},

3 - Don't forget to check out the editable settings and codes

4 - https://github.com/Wert22/Wert-arena (Load this script your server, this is a arena map) !IMPORTANT

5 - Installation successful, have a good funs

Note : Css file is not encrypted, you can customize images (I provided this for you to create your own style).


If you want enable ox-lib you need set Config.OxLib = true

After this step you can found this code and open in fxmanifest.lua


1 - Client side exports

  • Get client player game data

local GameData = exports['wert-cararena']:GetClientGameData()
  • Is the player on the spectator camera?

local CamData = exports['wert-cararena']:GetSpectCamActive()
if CamData then
    -- Player use camera
    -- Player not use camera

2 - Server side exports

  • Retrieves the data of the current game

local GameData = exports['wert-cararena']:GetServerGameData()
for k,v in pairs(GameData) do
    print(k, v)
  • Get active all cameras data

local CamData = exports['wert-cararena']:GetServerCamActive()
for k,v in pairs(CamData) do
    print(k, v)

Note : If you want to put control in a different script, you can try the exports I mentioned above.

Last updated