Wert-taboo (Play and enjoy)

You can access the setup information you need about this product


1 - Prepare the depends scripts and upload them to the resources folder.

2 - Open server.cfg

3 - Give the command to start the script

4 - Add this items your item list :

["tabukart"] = {
    ["name"] = "tabukart",
    ["label"] = "Taboo card",
    ["weight"] = 0,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "tabukart.png",
    ["unique"] = true,
    ["useable"] = true,
    ["shouldClose"] = false,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "Taboo card"

["tabudeste"] = {
    ["name"] = "tabudeste",
    ["label"] = "Taboo deck",
    ["weight"] = 0,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "tabudeste.png",
    ["unique"] = true,
    ["useable"] = true,
    ["shouldClose"] = false,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "Taboo deck"

5 - Everything is ok, have fun

Installation complete

Last updated