Wert Gang Zone (Advanced Npc System)
You can access the setup information you need about this product
1 - Upload the script folder to the location of your resources
2 - Don't forget to check your polyzone script are working
3 - Please check config, and if you want edit codes for you (Hood locations, spawn locations etc.)
4 - Installation successful, have a good funs
-- Check start state
local start_state = exports['wert-gangzone']:IamInTheWar()
-- Boolean | true -> in the war | false -> no active war
-- Config
Config = {}
Config.DebugPoly = false
Config.StartMessage = true
Config.MessageTime = 5 -- Second
Config.Message = "You Started A Gang War"
Config.AgainSpawnTime = 45000 -- Milisecond 45000
Config.CriticalShot = true
Config.SetGangCommandName = "setgang"
Config.ShowGangCommand = "gang"
Config.NpcGangModels = {
["ballas"] = {
["vagos"] = {
["families"] = {
["lostmc"] = {
Config.NpcSettings = {
["ballas"] = {
npc_health = 750,
npc_armor = 100,
["vagos"] = {
npc_health = 750,
npc_armor = 100,
["families"] = {
npc_health = 750,
npc_armor = 100,
["lostmc"] = {
npc_health = 750,
npc_armor = 100,
Config.RelationGroups = {
["ballas"] = "AMBIENT_GANG_BALLAS",
["families"] = "AMBIENT_GANG_FAMILY",
["lostmc"] = "AMBIENT_GANG_LOST",
Config.VehicleSettings = {
["ballas"] = {
["hood-one"] = {
{model = "youga2", spawn = vector4(35.88, -1886.14, 22.33, 231.24), color = {primary = 145, second = 145}},
{model = "youga2", spawn = vector4(25.84, -1877.93, 22.86, 230.8), color = {primary = 145, second = 145}},
["vagos"] = {
["hood-one"] = {
{model = "youga2", spawn = vector4(280.55, -2105.51, 16.07, 48.14), color = {primary = 88, second = 88}},
{model = "youga2", spawn = vector4(271.28, -2097.19, 16.43, 48.89), color = {primary = 88, second = 88}},
["families"] = {
["hood-one"] = {
{model = "youga2", spawn = vector4(-97.8, -1498.23, 33.51, 140.59), color = {primary = 53, second = 53}},
{model = "youga2", spawn = vector4(-90.66, -1489.82, 32.94, 142.47), color = {primary = 53, second = 53}},
["lostmc"] = {
["hood-one"] = {
{model = "gburrito", spawn = vector4(954.86, -126.24, 74.35, 238.45), color = {primary = 1, second = 1}},
{model = "gburrito", spawn = vector4(952.53, -139.01, 74.48, 240.61), color = {primary = 1, second = 1}},
-- /pzcreate box
Config.GangZones = {
["ballas"] = {
["hood-one"] = {
coord = vector3(41.23, -1886.34, 23.02),
length = 190,
width = 100,
heading = 50,
minZ = 10.88,
maxZ = 40.88
["vagos"] = {
["hood-one"] = {
coord = vector3(354.64, -2052.36, 20.85),
length = 190,
width = 190,
heading = 50,
minZ = 7.88,
maxZ = 35.88
["families"] = {
["hood-one"] = {
coord = vector3(-127.15, -1558.54, 40.65),
length = 311,
width = 174,
heading = 321,
minZ = 20.92,
maxZ = 50.88
["lostmc"] = {
["hood-one"] = {
coord = vector3(976.11, -117.61, 74.23),
length = 158.2,
width = 93.201,
heading = 57,
minZ = 73.23,
maxZ = 89.83
Config.StashMode = "raid" -- || "raid" : This mode if you kill (Config.RaidKillCount enemy hood npc you accces stash) - "normal" : This mode default which gang have perm open
Config.RaidKillCount = 20
Config.GangStashs = {
["ballas"] = {
coord = vector3(-2.09, -1812.18, 29.15),
length = 0.6,
width = 0.6,
heading = 50,
minZ = 25.75,
maxZ = 29.75
["vagos"] = {
coord = vector3(339.83, -1980.49, 24.21),
length = 0.4,
width = 0.6,
heading = 50,
minZ = 21.01,
maxZ = 25.01
["families"] = {
coord = vector3(-158.76, -1607.93, 33.65),
length = 1.4,
width = 1.6,
heading = 339,
minZ = 30.85,
maxZ = 34.85
["lostmc"] = {
coord = vector3(996.74, -121.81, 74.06),
length = 0.6,
width = 1.6,
heading = 330,
minZ = 71.06,
maxZ = 75.06
Last updated