
You can access the setup information you need about this product


1 - Drop the file into your resources folder

2 - Make sure all depend scripts exist (Or download it)

3 - Give start command to the cfg file as I mentioned below

4 - Be sure to add all the items I will share below to your item list.

-- Item Lıst
["jam"] 		        = {["name"] = "jam", 			                ["label"] = "Jam", 			["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "jam.png", 			["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Jam"},

["uzum"] 			= {["name"] = "uzum", 			  	             	["label"] = "Grab",		                    ["weight"] = 6000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "uzum.png", 		        ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Tatlı üzüm."},
["uzum_sarap"] 			= {["name"] = "uzum_sarap", 			  	       	["label"] = "Wine",		                ["weight"] = 6000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "uzum_sarap.png", 		    ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Papaz karası şarap."},
["terzi_yun"] 			= {["name"] = "terzi_yun", 			           	["label"] = "Wool",		                    ["weight"] = 6000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "terzi_yun.png", 		    ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Yün."},
["terzi_kumas"] 		= {["name"] = "terzi_kumas", 			  	      	["label"] = "Cloth",		                ["weight"] = 6000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "terzi_kumas.png", 		    ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Çoğu eşyanın ham maddesi"},
["terzi_kiyafet"] 		= {["name"] = "terzi_kiyafet", 			       	["label"] = "T-shirt",		                ["weight"] = 1000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "terzi_kiyafet.png", 	    ["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "İnsanların giyimini sağlayan eşya."},

["cilek"] 			= {["name"] = "cilek", 			  	  	     	["label"] = "Strawberry",		                ["weight"] = 2000,    	["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "cilek.png", 		    	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Şeker gibi çilek."},

["alive_chicken"] 		= {["name"] = "alive_chicken", 			    	["label"] = "Alive chicken", 					["weight"] = 8000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "alive_chicken.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Tatlı tavuk"},
["slaughtered_chicken"]     	= {["name"] = "slaughtered_chicken", 		    	["label"] = "Slaughtered chicken", 				["weight"] = 4000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "slaughtered_chicken.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Kesilmiş çiğ tavuk"},
["packaged_chicken"] 	    	= {["name"] = "packaged_chicken", 			    	["label"] = "Packaged chicken", 			["weight"] = 2000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "packaged_chicken.png", 	["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Paketlenmiş çiğ tavuk"},

["orange"] 			= {["name"] = "orange", 			  	  	    	["label"] = "Orange", 					["weight"] = 4000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "orange.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "En Güzel Meyve"},
["orangejuice"] 	     	= {["name"] = "orangejuice", 			  	  	    ["label"] = "Orange juice", 				["weight"] = 900, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "portakalsuyu.png", 		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["expire"] = nil, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "En Güzel Meyvenin Suyu"},

5 - if you use different a target system change target exports (client.lua)

6 - Restart server

Note : You can add a desired profession to the script by adding it to the local tables.

Installation complete

Last updated