
You can access the setup information you need about this product


Important config values

Config.ReviveClientEvent = 'hospital:client:Revive' --# change your revive event this is default qb-core event

Extra depends

  • interact-sound (https://github.com/plunkettscott/interact-sound)

  • xsound (https://github.com/Xogy/xsound)

1 - Open #Add items file and add items your item list

-- Items
["bloodbag"] = {
    ["name"] = "bloodbag", 			 	
    ["label"] = "Blood Bag", 	    
    ["weight"] = 150, 		
    ["type"] = "item", 
    ["image"] = "bloodbag.png", 	    	
    ["unique"] = true,   	
    ["useable"] = true, 	
    ["shouldClose"] = true,    
    ["combinable"] = nil,   
    ["description"] = ""

["bloodtube"] = {
    ["name"] = "bloodtube", 			 	
    ["label"] = "Blood Tube", 	    
    ["weight"] = 500, 		
    ["type"] = "item", 
    ["image"] = "bloodtupe.png", 	    	
    ["unique"] = true,   	
    ["useable"] = true, 	
    ["shouldClose"] = true,    
    ["combinable"] = nil,   
    ["description"] = ""

["emptybaggy"] = {
    ["name"] = "emptybaggy", 			 	
    ["label"] = "Empty Blood Bag", 	    
    ["weight"] = 100, 		
    ["type"] = "item", 
    ["image"] = "emptybaggy.png", 	    	
    ["unique"] = false,   	
    ["useable"] = true, 	
    ["shouldClose"] = true,    
    ["combinable"] = nil,   
    ["description"] = ""

["emptysyringe"] = {
    ["name"] = "emptysyringe", 			 	
    ["label"] = "Empty Syringe", 	    
    ["weight"] = 50, 		
    ["type"] = "item", 
    ["image"] = "emptysyringe.png", 	    	
    ["unique"] = false,   	
    ["useable"] = true, 	
    ["shouldClose"] = true,    
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = ""

["emptytube"] = {
    ["name"] = "emptytube", 			 	
    ["label"] = "Empty Tube", 	    
    ["weight"] = 50, 		
    ["type"] = "item", 
    ["image"] = "emptytube.png", 	    	
    ["unique"] = false,   	
    ["useable"] = true, 	
    ["shouldClose"] = true,    
    ["combinable"] = nil,   
    ["description"] = ""

["kankart"] = {
    ["name"] = "kankart", 			 	
    ["label"] = "Person Blood Card", 	    
    ["weight"] = 50, 		
    ["type"] = "item", 
    ["image"] = "kankart.png", 	    	
    ["unique"] = true,   	
    ["useable"] = true, 	
    ["shouldClose"] = true,    
    ["combinable"] = nil,   
    ["description"] = ""

["mri"] = {
    ["name"] = "mri", 			 	
    ["label"] = "MRI Document", 	    
    ["weight"] = 150, 		
    ["type"] = "item", 
    ["image"] = "mri.png", 	    	
    ["unique"] = true,   	
    ["useable"] = true, 	
    ["shouldClose"] = true,    
    ["combinable"] = nil,   
    ["description"] = ""

["xray"] = {
    ["name"] = "xray", 			 	
    ["label"] = "Xray Document", 	    
    ["weight"] = 150, 		
    ["type"] = "item", 
    ["image"] = "xray.png", 	    	
    ["unique"] = true,   	
    ["useable"] = true, 	
    ["shouldClose"] = true,    
    ["combinable"] = nil,   
    ["description"] = ""

2 - Open #Add sound file and add sounds your interact-sound script

3 - Open #Add sql file and upload your database

Installation complete

Last updated